Play as therapy

Immersive technology to support sick children experiencing hospitalisation.

Experimenting with immersive technology in collaboration with Starlight Children’s Foundation as they explore how they can use technology to support sick children and their families through the experience of hospitalisation.

Our collaboration has recently focused on creating an immersive play experience for Leeds Children’s Hospital, where we’re using augmented reality (AR) to create a safe, no-touch play area.

Starlight has been working tirelessly to realign its services to best support the shifting needs of children and their support network as they journey through hospital and treatment. A core part of this mission is the use of play to provide distraction and bring joy to the everyday.

We’re sharing our expertise in augmented realities and spatial computing to enable Starlight to test new ideas and technology that will hopefully improve the hospital experience for all children.

How spatial computing and AR are helping

  • Improving infection control by eliminating the need for physical controls
  • Providing accessible play: even those with limited motor function can join in
  • With just 5 minutes of distraction play, a child’s outcomes are measurably different

Hundreds of children play the games every week

Have a project in mind?

Why not get in touch? We’d love to have a chat and learn more.

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